Category Archives: Jewelry

Best of Santa Fe 2018

Dear Loyal Customers and Consignors, It is that time of the year again to share your love for all of the incredible local businesses that make Santa Fe unique. The final voting for The Santa Fe Reporter‘s annual readers poll, Best of Santa Fe, has begun and ends May 31st. Since Double Take opened it’s […]

Vintage, Antique, and Designer Collectibles!

Encore at Double Take, not to mention the expansive Ranch and Hacienda departments, boasts an ongoing and fascinating collection of vintage and antiques. Our favorite part about housing these collections is developing ongoing relationships with our consignors and customers. For instance, Priscilla Hart, a loyal consignor and customer for over a decade, recently brought us […]

The Double Take Experience

At Double Take we are devoted to serving all members of our community with The Double Take Experience, and to provide something for everyone. Here are some examples of how and who we serve: Men We are proud to offer the widest array of style choices for men in Santa Fe. We feature a burgeoning […]

More Bakelite Than You Can Shake a Stick At!

Double Take, through years of consistent service, has attracted pieces from some of the nation’s best dealers and collectors. Owner and staff have become knowledgeable and savvy about methods of authentication, seeking print and online confirmation of our assessments. Double Take welcomes interest and exchange of knowledge, ideas and collectibles from other dealers and enthusiasts. […]